Thursday 19 April 2012

Back to Work

My brand new blog is being seriously ignored at the moment.  Back to work on Monday and though I am feeling much more organised (thanks to some terrific Pinterest ideas!) I am bogged down with work at the moment!  My kiddies have made massive progress in writing this year... but with massive progress comes much more marking!!!!  Can't believe it is the Summer Term already... soon I will have a new batch!

Will try to update soon:)

Wednesday 11 April 2012

World Stories

Just came across a great website for Literacy (with a cultural twist) called World Stories (  The site has stories from around the world told in 21 different languages.  There is a map feature which is useful if you're looking for stories from particular places to link to a topic of study.  You can also download an audio clip of the story being told as well as a written version.  Some background to the stories is provided.  Teachers can register for free to gain access to resources to support the use of the stories in the classroom.  A super resource!

Sunday 8 April 2012


I know I am on post overload today.... trying to get my head around this blogging business! Thought I'd practise uploading images by sharing my vocabulary wall. I came up with this idea a few years ago to encourage my class to use the word wall. When a child uses a good word during shared writing, I add it to the word wall. The children love having their word put on a star and the whole class will make an effort to use it in their writing because they know it is a WOW word.

The board itself is not too difficult to make. I laminated the stars and use whiteboard pens when writing on them so when a word gets 'old' it can be rubbed off and the star can be used for a fresher word. The board is right in my teaching area so it can be easily accessed when a super word is mentioned.

My First Resource!

I created this resource for my Year 3s to continue practising past tense verbs - a unit we've been working on recently. I wanted something they would enjoy that would help reinforce the rules.

Now if only I can upload it onto my blog!

Please leave your feedback!

The Wonderful World of Teacher Blogs

I've recently discovered a wealth of teaching resources by surfing teacher's blogs online (after becoming a Pinterest addict!). I thought I'd add my own ideas and resources - seeing as most of the sights I visited were American I thought it might be nice to add an English perspective.

At the moment we are on Easter holidays so I have been using the time to plan ahead for the Summer Term (as well as conquer my reports due the Monday we go back). Have found some great ideas which you can check out by clicking on my Pintererest. I am also planning to use some ideas to create versions of activities to match English curriculum goals. We'll see how much time I have.... I also have to deep my clean my rugs! Super exciting half term holiday, I know.

Am currently planning ahead for Tudors and Light and Shadows topics, so if you have any ideas, please comment!!